Features / Usability

Features / Usability

CustomSearch, searching item between values

posts: 8633 Israel

I wonder if it is not simpler to create a mathematical field and give a value based on range.
A kind of :

if tracker_field_value 0 and 10 and

After two hours playing with possible formulas and (damned) parentheses...

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(if (less-than permanameSize (add 80 0)) (str -80) (if (less-than permanameSize (add 120 0)) (str 80-120) (if (less-than permanameSize (add 160 0)) (str 120-160) (if (less-than permanameSize (add 200 0)) (str 160-200) (if (less-than permanameSize (add 240 0)) (str 200-240) (if (less-than permanameSize (add 280 0)) (str 240-280) (if (more-than permanameSize (add 280 0)) (str +280))))))) )

Success ! 🏆

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