Tiki and PluginR

Tiki and PluginR

Re: plot height not auto increasing ?

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

See this, Joël:


You can register there, I guess, to play with it, if you wish. We haven't advertised r.tiki.org officially yet, but it's working (Intertiki is still not setup due to a bug in Tiki; so you'll have to register a new local user to that tiki site).

The pluginR calls, as they are, can't display the png or pdf graphs produced from the pluginR. BUT PluginR allows the generation of those charts on disk at the corresponding temp/cache/domain/page/ folder, and therefore, they can be displayed with fairly standard Tiki means: img and plugin mediaplayer for the pdf.

For the pdf to be displayed, you have to add pdf to the list of allowed file types under cache. Edit the temp/.htaccess to leave it something like:

Copy to clipboard
< FilesMatch ".*"> order deny,allow deny from all < /FilesMatch> < FilesMatch "\.png"> order deny,allow allow from all < /FilesMatch> < FilesMatch "\.pdf"> order deny,allow allow from all < /FilesMatch> < FilesMatch "\.html"> order deny,allow allow from all < /FilesMatch>

Remove the space after the " < " in these contents for the htaccess to work (I had to add the space to avoid Tiki removing them considering that they could be dangerous code or something).

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