Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: How to import a site from TW3.3 into a new 8.3 install - upgrading doesn't work

posts: 3665 United States

First, going from 3.x to 8.x is a large jump. Be sure to read all of the Tiki 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x Release Notes, so that you'll be aware of the changes.

Generally, you should be able to upgrade without any issues.

I would:

  • Re-try the 8.x installer. Be sure to turn on the Tiki error reporting. Let us know what error messages Tiki reports.
  • If your current DB is Latin-1, don't attempt to convert the DB to UTF (yet).
  • Do you have any custom modules or plugins? They may require additional work (to make a 3.x module compatible with 8.x). Again, see the release notes.
  • For your testing, how did you duplicate your current DB for the upgrade? Some users have reported problems when they switched (or failed to specify) the correct encoding when they exported their original DB.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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