Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: Re: Need advice on a security model, please.

posts: 3665 United States

Your model can work, but you'll need to assign your groups based on category — not per-customer.

Try this...

  1. Give Registered users tiki_p_view only. (Remove the tiki_p_edit.)
  2. For each category (FOO), create two groups: FOO_EDIT and FOO_VIEW
  3. For each *_EDIT group, assign tiki_p_edit.

So you'll now have a structure similar to:



For each category, assign VIEW permission to its *_VIEW and *_EDIT group. (I assume that if you can edit something you can, by default, view it.)

Now, for each customer, you simply assign them to the appropriate Group. For example:

  • If customer A can read all categories but edit only Foo:
    • Foo_Edit
    • Bar_View
    • Alpha_View
  • If customer B can edit Foo but read only Bar:
    • Foo_Edit
    • Bar_View
  • If customer C can edit View and Bar but only view Foo:
    • Foo_View
    • Bar_Edit
    • Alpha_Edit


In this model, there's no "customer" group. You simply assign each username to a group, based on categories.


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