Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Tables - |

posts: 3665 United States

> > 1) I'd like to get some extra space around the text, so the lines aren't so close to the tables.
> > 2) I'd like to be ale to specify a width for the table, so each column would expand to take up 1/4th of the wide, or whatever.
> Tables made with the wiki syntax have the class "wikitable" so they can be styled by editing the CSS file for the theme. But of course this will affect all such tables within wiki pages. If that's OK, then edit the style sheet. If not, a new plugin is probably needed, maybe a variant of the FANCYTABLE plugin that adds a width property, and can be used just for specific table instances.

Or, you could ecapsulate the entire table in a custom DIV, then just add a single new style to your CSS:

Copy to clipboard
{DIV(class="mytable")} ||r1c1|r1c2 r2c1|r2c2|| {DIV}

Then, in your CSS add someting like:

Copy to clipboard
div#mytable table { ... }


Note: This is untested, just an idea.....
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